This page is currently under construction and will be completed soon…
I’ll have dozens of links to valuable travel websites–sites I know you’ll enjoy.
For now, just two special features:
1) First, the link to gentlemen who inspired me, Jonny Blair. Man, you think I get around? You gotta check out Jonny’s website, his stories and his travel resume–the guy is amazing, and my inspiration; for world travel and this blog. His website is www.dontstopliving.net. Make sure to subscribe to get his newsletters and emails; such good stuff!
2) Finally, for now, a movie. This “youtube” exclusive film is probably one of my favorite movies of all time, and it’s not even finished! If you like adventurous travel, you have to watch The Madagascar Journals.
If you don’t have time to watch it now (it’s hours), bookmark the video and make time to watch it when you have a few hours. I swear, this movie is the truth, just watch. Filmed, edited, composed, directed, and produced by one guy…he even does the music in the movie. Matt Kresling is the man. Watch, and enjoy!