I’ll just come right out and say it. This trip was a disaster. For years I’ve dreamed of swimming and snorkeling the paradise that is Roatan, and sadly, I was flooded out the entire four-night stay. My fault for booking this trip during the rainy season. This was in the very beginnings of my extreme travel, and I don’t think I quite figured out that you can simply Google “rainy season” and find out when to stay away. Lesson learned. There’s not much to show and tell, but here goes…

Water, Water Everywhere!
It was bad. Upon arrival, I couldn’t even check in to the room I booked, because that whole area of the hotel had been flooded out. There were loud pumps and motors and hoses that stayed on 24-hours a day to drain the flooded rooms. It wasn’t looking good.

Wishful Thinking
If you’ve read any of my other blogs, you know that four nights in one place for me is almost unheard of. Two nights is standard…three is a long time…but four? I hardly stay anywhere for four nights, but Roatan had been on bucket list for a long time. I was looking forward to enjoying this place. I had serious hopes that I’d get at least one day of sunshine, but no dice. I was able to take a quick dip in the water for about ten minutes in between storms. Such a shame!

Eat, Sleep, Eat, Repeat
I wouldn’t have been so bummed about the rain if I was in a big city, with things to do. I’d have no problem exploring in a raincoat! But this was a sandy island, with not much else to do besides enjoy the beach…so I was out of luck! I was regulated to my hotel room, cable TV, and the next-door JavaVine Café for my meals. which consisted mostly of pizza, cookies and beer.

I’ll be Bach
I will be back. I need a do-over. No one here to blame but me–for visiting Roatan in the rainy season. I want to enjoy Roatan in the sunshine! I’ve also worked up the nerve to see San Pedro Sula, even though it’s been ranked the most violent city in the world. I’m sure there is beauty to be seen there, as with most cities described as “scary” by the media. Those are actually some of the best places to visit!
This entry was posted in North America