My 2014 visit to Guatemala was part of challenge to visit all of the Americas before turning 40. Since this was during the days before my serious traveling–and before my travel writing–the details will be sparse. I wish I would’ve kept a journal back then, because my quick, two-night stop into the small town of Antigua was a treat! Getting there, however, not so much.
I couldn’t believe they weren’t letting me board the plane in Mexico City. “This has got to be a mistake,” I thought, as the lady told stopped me, telling me I needed to present my “exit visa” for Mexico. This was crazy!
Somewhere along the line, I’d messed up. I’d crossed into Tijuana, from San Diego; as my friend from worked dropped me off at the TJ Airport for my red-eye to Mexico City. But apparently–at least according to the airline–I needed to fill out paperwork for being in Mexico. Perhaps they were right–but I’d been to Mexico a million times and never had to do this. It seemed especially strange for such a short trip – I was only transiting through Mexico. Nevertheless, it soon became clear there were not letting me on that plane to Guatemala City without a Mexican visa. I’d miss that flight to Guatemala. Adding insult to injury, I’d had over nine hours in the Mexico City Airport – time I could’ve used to get my “paperwork.” I was fuming, but what are you gonna do? I went to immigration to get my visa, pay a fine and was on the next flight–many hours later–to Guatemala. Off to a roaring start!
La Casa
I used Airbnb this time and found a really cool house, located on the backstreets on Antigua, up against the hill. The owners were pleasant, as were their cats. The house had a cool roof deck with views of the nearby volcano. This was a great spot.

Me No Remember
The details on this trip are super blurry. I do remember having a wonderful time, but this was probably one of the most uneventful trips I’ve ever taken, and I don’t say that as a bad thing. Exploring the streets of Antigua was simply chill, relaxing and peaceful. Antigua is a beautiful city; clean, calm and full of nice people and cool restaurants and shops.

I really enjoyed my two nights in Antigua and would’ve loved to hang out longer. Next, I grabbed a bus and cruised down to El Salvador for a couple nights. before flying to Roatan, Honduras. I stopped in Guatemala City on the way home, but only with enough time to enjoy a late dinner and then crash out before my 6AM flight the next morning.