Amazing Race
Two trips here. My first 2014 visit to Costa Rica was part of my challenge to visit all of the Americas before turning 40. Since this was during the days before my serious traveling–and before my travel writing–the details will be few: I didn’t take a ton of notes, but luckily snapped some photos to help me remember.
In true Ramblin’ Randy fashion, I wouldn’t stay too long. I arrived on a Saturday evening and would be out by Tuesday morning, allowing just a little over two full days to explore a country that deserved at least a week to enjoy. Yes, I was a little rushed, but I was on a mission.
I set up camp at Hotel Bouganvilleas, which was just about ten minutes outside of San José. Just far enough away from the city, the lush and relaxing property was surrounded by 10 acres of tropical gardens. I was excited to be in Costa Rica. I hooked up with a tour company who’d keep me busy during my stay. There was a lot of driving involved, but it was necessary to see all I wanted to see in such a short amount of time. I’m a glutton for punishment. I spent the next two days enjoying a private tour of the region, stopping at a coffee farm, state reserve and waterfall park. There wasn’t a dull moment.

Do You Know The Way to San José?
My 2016 to San José could not have been more different than the first. The way I got the time off from work was probably the best part of the whole thing.
I happened to catch my boss in a very good mood when I invited him to join me and my colleague, Chucker, for an off-campus brainstorming session. Keyword off-campus.
“Where are you guys going to do it?” asked my general manager Gregg.
“Probably across the border for some lobster in TJ,” I responded, Tijuana being only thirty minutes from the radio station where I work. It’s a popular quick getaway for meetings. “…or, I don’t know…Costa Rica maybe?”
Gregg smiled, chuckled and offered up an approving, “Have fun guys,” before Chuck and I turned the corner and high-fived each other in sheer jubilation and maybe even a little disbelief. Did he even hear us say the words Costa Rica??? We both witnessed the boss grant permission for the trip, that was clear. We were going to Costa Rica for work! How great is this gonna be?!
Chuck arrived a day early. I took the red-eye on a Thursday night and immediately went in for the mid-morning napper upon arrival. Then, a few hours later, it was up for lunch and two days of “serious brainstorming.” Sarcasm aside, we did indeed come up with some brilliant strategies, including the foundation and execution for one of the world’s greatest radio contests and promotions ever. I also remember a lot of beer being involved. Nothing overly eventful happened during our extended weekend here, just two guys having meetings with lots of beer involved.

Return of the Mack
I enjoyed both quick trips to Costa Rica and look forward to returning soon, though I’ve tried to schedule other work trips here and Gregg was not having it. I will be back, hopefully soon, and hopefully to see other parts of this country that has so much to offer.