Marking my Territory
I wanted to see Guernsey for the same reason I wanted to see Jersey – please refer back to my Jersey blog and I’ll explain there. Guernsey, while not it’s own “country” per se, is one of the UK’s Channel Islands and one in a group of English territories I’d been itching to cross of my list. So, here we are!
I started the trip in Jersey and was hoping to head over to Guernsey by ferry, which always sounds sexy to an American like me who rarely gets to travel this way. Upon further inspection, I’d learn the ferry wasn’t the best use of my short time in the region, so I instead opted for the 20-minute and very inexpensive flight via Blue Islands. A new airline is always sexy, too!

Contrast and Compare
I’d wondered how Guernsey might differ from Jersey, if it would at all. My immediate impression and overall takeaway was that Guernsey was by far the more bustling of the two. It was more populated, more touristy and with more things to do. Most of all, the capital, St. Peter Port was much more walkable than St. Helier in Jersey.
I checked in to my hotel, The Old Government House, which was a splurge for me, and then took an evening walk around town to get the lay of the land. This place definitely had more of a city vibe and I quickly knew I’d made the right decision of skipping a rental car. No need!
Evening was approaching. I was excited to see a Bangladeshi restaurant. I’d have a small snack there and eventually decide on the second-floor Rosso Pizza and Bar for a great salad and woodfired pizza. It was a fantastic choice that I highly recommend.
RAMBLIN’ TIP: Find a great hotel in St. Peter Port HERE.

My Day in Guernsey
With only one full day in Guernsey, I decided to scratch that “ferry” itch and jump on a boat to Herm Island. Thirty minutes later, I was stepping on to Herm and spent a couple hours hiking the island’s trails. I have no stories to tell, except that it was an extremely serene and therapeutic stroll past beaches, farmhouses, pastures and cliffs. Island fever set in pretty quick and it was back on the boat to return to town. I had a great dinner at Christie’s before bed. Another chill day in the Channel Islands.

Goodbye, Guernsey
It was a 1:30PM flight out the next day, so I slept in and enjoyed breakfast at the hotel before heading to the airport. Like Jersey, Guernsey was pretty uneventful, but what I expected. If I had to choose one, I’d definitely pick Guernsey for it’s street scene and walkable grid, but I truly enjoyed both Guernsey and Jersey.
RAMBLIN’ TIP: Find a great hotel in St. Peter Port HERE.
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