Randy Votes Best Fish Taco from New Zealand – Taco World in Outrage
I actually live in what many call the fish taco capital of the world: San Diego, California. And if San Diego isn’t ground zero for fish tacos, then Baja California, just minutes away, certainly is. So how the heck can I claim the best fish taco is in New Zealand? Because I just ate it. Ralph Rubio is fuming right now.

The dish is a giant hunk of the freshest hapuka fish, laid down gently on a glass plate and topped with a pile of peppers, tomatoes and some kind of magic sauce. Warm flour tortillas are provided on the side. You take the fork and assemble your fish taco. You fall in love. These were the best fish tacos I’ve enjoyed in my entire life. You can’t be mad at facts.

According to their website, the menu changes often at Ragtag, so consider yourself lucky if you get to try the same dish I’m writing about.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t shout out my second favorite fish taco, located in San Diego at Oscar’s Mexican Seafood.
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Auckland 1023
New Zealand
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