The coffee was good, the breakfast sandwich was nice, but it was the energy of Zaza Cuban Coffee at Orlando International Airport that earned it the Ramblin’ Randy Award for Best Airport Coffee Shop.
I’d forgotten how much flavor and zest that East Coast Latinos possessed: a noticeably different style than that of the laid-back West Coast cool attitude. But I was reminded this the moment I stopped in to Zaza’s for a pre-flight snack. Tropical music pulsating throughout the restaurant, the Cubana at the register greeted me with me so much charm, I almost believed she liked me. But she was that way with everybody–bidding each customer a buenos dias and calling them “love.” “What can I get for you love?”
The joven who handed me my sandwich gave me a smile a “Here you go, thanks boss,” before I trotted off to my gate to eat my Cuban breakfast sandwich con juevos.
Something profound had happened though: in just those four little minutes waiting in line at Zaza’s, my entire mood lifted from about a 6 to a full 10, and it had everything to do with that coffee shop.
Traveling is normally stressful, but a simple stop into this Cuban café, with their música and energized, loving staff, was able to put me in a fabulous mood. I wished I’d taken pictures inside the shop for this blog, but I didn’t realize what a good feeling Zaza’s had instilled in me, until I was halfway to my gate. “Man, I love that place,” I conceded. I can’t wait to come back. I hope it’s like this everyday.
Zaza Cuban Coffee
Orlando International Airport
Orlando, FL
(407) 825-3430