Taiwan Take One
The details are sketchy. I took this trip before I was a serious blogger, so today, as I write this–four years after the trip–I have only a handful of photos and some scattered memories to share with you. Most of the other articles on this website include well chronicled tales with hour-by-hour stories and vivid details. Not this one.
My trip to Taiwan was actually part of my very first trip to Asia. I went all in for my first time: landing in Beijing to connect and fly into in the infamous North Korea! Pretty insane for one’s first trip into the continent, akin to choosing Somalia for your first country in Africa…talk about diving right in! Thankfully, my North Korean trip turned out being one of the most fascinating and memorable trips I’ve ever taken, but also stressful, for obvious reasons. While I loved every minute there, the trip was shortly after the famous Otto Warmbier detainment–in fact, I was going with the same tour company–so part of me just wanted to get the trip over with. While I loved my visit to the DPRK–and I do want to return–I was absolutely relieved to be out. After a quick connect back in Beijing, it was over to Taipei via business class on Eva Air. Now it was time to take a big breathe, relax and have some fun!

Some Time in Taipei
As I mentioned earlier, details are sketchy, but I remember having an absolutely awesome time exploring the city. There was lots to do, the people were friendly and the streets were clean. And overall, this was kind of a celebration for “surviving” North Korea! I was a free spirit about town, and had fun seeing things like the local night markets, riding the world’s fastest elevator to the top of the Taipei 101 tower and soaring up into the hills via the Maokong gondolas. Good times were had by all!

Night Moves
I don’t remember which evening I ventured out into the night market, but it doesn’t matter. I remember the markets being very crowded and running into some pretty horrible smells! I was an amateur traveler at the time, only bold enough to try a sweet crêpe from one of the stands. I’d get bolder later, I assure you. I ate a scorpion on a stick in Cambodia, so I’ve definitely come a long way since Taipei!

Tapei 101
I love when big cities offer the chance to go up high and see a 360-degree view of everything in an observation deck. The Taipei 101 tower was one of the coolest skyscrapers I’ve ever visited, offering a ride in the world’s fastest passenger elevator up to the 101st floor for stunning views.